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Bitcoin & Markets

Sep 11, 2018

E130: BITCOIN COMMENTARY - POLITICS - ATTACK VECTORS - PSYCHOANALYSISIn Bitcoin is Freedom EP8 Jeff and I take recent sound bites of Chris Derose and we psychoanalyze him. We breakdown lots of aspects of the Bitcoin community and how they function in a decentralized fashion. You can find new episodes of this series over on our Patreon.Show notes and transcripts for this episode available: | Stitcher | Google PlayGET OUR FREE FUNDAMENTALS REPORTA weekly report with all the fundamentals you hear about on the show. Stay informed, and it's free.SUPPORT THE SHOW!No Ads + Member Content on PATREONBTC or PayPal DONATEOur Big Page of Educational LinksFOLLOW @AnselLindner | @btcmrkts | Instagram | Facebook THANK YOU LISTENERS!Music by Jaokim Karud**DISCLAIMER: This is not investment advice, do your own research.**