Jul 27, 2017
PoW! Bitcoin Market Update--------------------------------SHOW NOTES available http://bitcoinandmarkets.com/p012 Thanks for listening! ----- SHARE and FOLLOW Host on twitter: @AnselLindner https://twitter.com/AnselLindner and the show: @btcmrkts https://twitter.com/btcmrkts ----- THIS SHOW IS SUPPORTED BY LISTENERS LIKE YOU! $1-5/mo. https://www.patreon.com/bitcoinandmarkets ----- SEC enters the game. They are watching ICOs and have the ability to go after ICOs they define as Securities. Users and exchanges dealing in illegal securities are not immune. https://www.sec.gov/litigation/investreport/34-81207.pdf Big news on the MtGox and other hacks connected to a recent arrest in Greece and BTC-e. I hope they come back online. http://blog.wizsec.jp/2017/07/breaking-open-mtgox-1.html?m=1 "Satoshi Vision" Cultists ----- Music by Joakim Karud