Apr 30, 2018
=== BITCOIN & MARKETS === block height 520,563 - 4/30/18Search the show on Soundcloud, YouTube, iTunes, and Stitcher Part of the World Crypto Network audio feed on Acast. New to bitcoin? Start here: http://bitcoinandmarkets.com/resources **Disclaimer: This is not investment advice, do your own research.** All sources are below. ========================= SUPPORT THE SHOW! -------------------- Donate BTC, LTC, Paypal : http://bitcoinandmarkets.com/donate Patreon is the best way : https://www.patreon.com/bitcoinandmarkets -------------------- PRICES -------------------- Price : $9272 (finney $0.93) 200 SMA : $9941 Mayer Multiple : 0.93 Okex Futures : (Jun) $9296 (spread $0 / 0%) CME Futures : (May) $9275 (Jun) $9270 (open interest 2,066 / 10,330 btc) Bitmex Futures : (Jun) $9289 (Sep) $9329 CBOE http://cfe.cboe.com/cfe-products/xbt-cboe-bitcoin-futures -------------------- MARKET SIZE and TXS -------------------- Market Cap : $157 B Global Bitcoin MC : $430 B Maximalist Price : $25,301 On chain tx (24h) : 1,173,806 btc ($10.8 B) Avg tx Val (24h) : 6.34 btc ($59 k) Median tx Val (24h): 0.052 btc ($479) NVT (28d) : 150 Longs / Shorts : 26,500 / 22,600 (1.17) -------------------- SECURITY and BLOCKCHAIN -------------------- Difficulty : +3% (last 3: 4%, 9%, 1%) Mining profitability : $0.54 THash/day Blockchain size : 195 GB Mempool : 1MB Median on chain fee : $0.43/tx -------------------- DEVELOPMENT -------------------- Merged PRs : 37 Closed issues : 8 -------------------- LIGHTNING -------------------- Capacity : 16 - 15.8 btc Channels : 5771 - 5418 Nodes : 1789 - 1661 Channels/node : 3.22 - 3.25 -------------------- GOOGLE TRENDS -------------------- 12 Mo. : 15 /100 30days : 62 /100 Trend : searches generally flat -------------------- NEWS -------------------- Vitalik calls out CSW and Consensus 2018 but not any Ethereum scams Binance in Bermuda https://themerkle.com/binance-group-plans-to-create-40-jobs-in-bermuda/ NASDAQ to trade bitcoin https://www.cnbc.com/2018/04/25/nasdaq-is-open-to-becoming-cryptocurrency-exchange-ceo-says.html Defining Bitcoin Defning bitcoin is hard, but it helps to step back and state facts, starting with the fact that there's 21 million bitcoin. Bitcoin is consensus. It's almost a schelling point itself. Miners Run the Network Fallacy There's an effort to change history. segwit2x is empirical evidence against it. Confusion is created through another fallacy, the Bcash is Bitcoin Fallacy. Miners run bcash, so of course miners are in charge of bitcoin, too. Miners very clearly were told not to do 2x. Vortex LN debate https://youtu.be/6VeeUJawEak Calling LN bitcoins altcoins is just lazy. REGULAR SOURCES -------------------- Great source : https://bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin/ Mayer Multiple : http://mayermultiple.com CME futures : http://www.cmegroup.com/trading/equity-index/us-index/bitcoin.html NVT Ratio : http://charts.woobull.com/bitcoin-nvt-ratio/ Network stats : http://fork.lol/pow/retarget OTC : https://coin.dance/volume Difficulty : https://bitcoinwisdom.com/bitcoin/difficulty Real time fees : https://tradeblock.com/bitcoin/ Visualization : https://jochen-hoenicke.de/queue/#3m Bitcoin github : https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pulse Ranking : https://www.coingecko.com LN testnet : https://explorer.acinq.co/#/ LN nodes : https://lnmainnet.gaben.win/# LedgerX : http://data.ledgerx.com/ Gemini Auction : https://gemini.com/auction-data/ Google trends "bitcoin": https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=bitcoin -------------------- FOLLOW -------------------- Host: @AnselLindner https://twitter.com/AnselLindner Show: @btcmrkts https://twitter.com/btcmrkts THANK YOU LISTENERS! -------------------- Music by Joakim Karud, Chill Children w/ KVN